Proposed CC&R Changes
All of the Proposed CC&R Changed were approved at the March 18th Annual Meeting.
Grayed Out text indicates text to be deleted
Underlined text indicates text to be added
14 Recommended Amendments
to the Rosedale CC&Rs
1. Signs in Rosedale
Currently no signs are allowed in Rosedale. The original purpose of not allowing Open House or For Sale signs in Rosedale was that the developer, who also had a realty company, didn't want to make it easy for any other company to sell houses in Rosedale.
According to one real estate agent, newspaper and web advertising are the only effective tool to draw potential buyers to an open house. A sign in front of the house is only to help a buyer identify the where the open house is. It seems reasonable to allow a real estate agent or an individual selling his house to place an open house sign to be placed in the front yard during the hours of the open house (not in the window of realtor's car).
e. A real estate agent or an individual selling his house may place one (1) open house sign in the front yard during the hours of the open house. The sign may not exceed 18x24” and must be taken down at the end of the open house. The sign must be professionally printed or commercially available. A resident may display one (1) invisible fence sign no larger than 7x12” and one (1) Bad Dog sign when appropriate to comply with Florida Statute 767.04.
2. Tree Removal and Trimming
The Committee recommends that the three paragraphs in Article V, Section 12d governing the removal of trees be eliminated because they are confusing and unnecessary. Other paragraphs duplicate the last paragraph and residents will still have to get approval from ARC to remove a tree and must replace any tree with one the county approves.
To be removed:
(d) It is the express intention of this subsection that the trees existing on the subdivision located upon the Properties at the time of the recording of this Declaration, and those permitted to grow on the Properties after said time, be preserved and maintained as best as possible in their natural state and condition. Accordingly, these provisions shall be construed in a manner most favorable to the preservation of that policy and intent.
Damaging, removing, or otherwise altering a tree covered by this section shall be deemed a violation of the Declaration and, without limitation of the rights and remedies afforded to the Association by virtue of the Declaration, Articles, Bylaws and Florida Statute, be subject to fining of, in manner set forth in the governing documents of the Association until a replacement of like height and diameter is planted at the original location of the damaged, removed or altered tree.
As to new or replacement trees, the Architectural Review committee shall consider type, size, location, height, mature foliage, pollen cycles, similarity with pre-existing trees in the Association and such other qualifications as may be adopted and distributed to the community by the Architectural Review.
This section is not necessary because the issue of replacing trees is addressed in the Florida Statutes and Manatee County regulations. For more information on the law, use the following links:
3. Mowing Fee
The following change be made to eliminate the mowing fee as follows because it no longer applies:
Article VIII, Section 7
In order to provide an additional means to enforce the collection of any annual mowing fee or other expense (including maintenance and repair expenses)
4. Animals – registration
Article V, Section 18, Paragraph b, requiring the registration of animals be eliminated because it is unnecessary and an over-reach.
(b) The Board of Directors may adopt reasonable rules, regulations and forms related to the registration of dogs or cats by Owners and Tenants at the Association's discretion. The dog or cat registered with the Association may not be replaced upon its demise without submitting the new animal to registration. Each dwelling may also house domestic birds or fish without registration requirements.
5. Garbage bags and Containers
The Committee recommended the following changes to Article V, Section 6 to provide more flexibility to residents
All garbage or trash containers must be located and underground or placed within totally enclosed or screened areas. The Association shall designate a uniform garbage receptacle to be used by all Owners. Each Owner shall be required to obtain, at the Owner's expense, garbage receptacles of the type designated. Clotheslines are permitted on a Lot but shall not be visible from any street or common area.
6. Garbage bags and Containers
The Committee recommended the following addition to Article V, Section 6 to provide more flexibility to residents
Garbage and trash shall be put out on the edge of the street for collection in lidded containers or in sealed plastic bags. Bags shall not be put out until the day of scheduled pickup. If garbage, recycle material or other waste is outside of proper containers for any reason, the Owner shall immediately address and dispose of the same. All refuse containers must be returned to the interior or shielded area of the home by midnight of the date of collection.
The Committee recommended the following changes to 6 separate items in Article V, Section 15.
7. Article V, Section 15, Paragraph a - Parking
This change relieves the homeowner of direct responsibility for guest parking by deleting this paragraph.
Owner agrees to notify all guests of the regulations regarding parking, and to require guests to abide by such parking regulations and to be responsible for guests and tenants who violate such restrictions, and to indemnify the Association for any damage to or towing caused by the guests parking of vehicles within the Subdivision.
8. Article V, Section 15, Paragraph b
Adds windshields to list of things that may be repaired on sited and adds motorcycles and motor homes to the list of items that may not be repaired in driveways.
No repairing of automobiles, trailers, boats, campers, motorcycles, motor homes or golf carts will be permitted outside the confines of the owner's garage. The sole exception being replacement of a flat tire, windshields, windshield wipers and batteries.
9. Article V, Section 15, Paragraph b - Cars with leaks
This is already covered by article V, Section 15 e and is unnecessary.
No vehicles are permitted on the Association property, which leak oil, brake fluid, transmission fluid or other fluid. Oil or fluid leaks into the parking areas are the responsibility of the owner of the vehicle. Any damage from oil leaks will be repaired at the expense of the Owner of the Lot from which the offending motor vehicle originated
10. Article V, Section 15, Paragraph d - Cars that create a nuisance
This change reduces the scope of what would be considered a nuisance.
No Vehicle on Association property shall create a nuisance or a noxious condition on the Association property, by constituting a nuisance due to its noise level, disrepair, or exhaust levels. Such determinations may be made, but are not solely conditioned upon, body damage, visible garbage, refuse, papers and work materials in on or otherwise associated with the vehicle.
11. Article V, Section 15, Paragraph e - Parking Registration
This change eliminates unnecessary controls and over-reach.
Any vehicle parked in violation of this Declaration is subject to being towed and all costs and expenses shall be paid by the owner of said vehicle. Parking of any vehicle on the contrary to the requirements of this Section 15 shall constitute parking of such vehicle in an unauthorized location on the Property in violation of Chapter 715.07 Vehicles or Vessels parked on private property; towing, Florida Statutes.as that law now exists or may hereafter be amended from time to time, and the Association shall be permitted to avail itself of the rights provided in such Chapter, including without limitation the right to tow the vehicle from the Property after proper notice, whether on common elements or a Lot. The Board of Directors for the Association may institute guest and owner parking registration, including but not limited to, parking passes, in the future, without further amendment to this Declaration, by adoption of reasonable rules and regulations to that effect,
12. De Facto Tenancy Article 5, 16(e)
Change defines de facto tenancy to be less restrictive by including more extended family and significant others.
(e.) De Facto Tenancy: Owner agrees and understands that the continued presence of a Guest or Invitee that is present in a Lot for a period of 20 days within any 30-day period will, for the purposes of this Declaration, be considered a Tenant and subject to all lease requirements of this Declaration regardless of whether a written lease exists. In addition to being present on the Association property, the use of the Lot address for governmental identification, employment purposes, financial purposes, or similar address records shall initiate the tenancy time frame detailed in this sub-paragraph (v). Individuals which are defined under this provision as a tenant, and, are related to the record Owner of the Lot by first or second degree consanguinity, marriage to the record Owner, or legal adoption by the record Owner shall not be required to submit a lease agreement for the purposes of approval by the Board of Directors, shall not be required to pay rent, and shall not be required to submit for approval notices of a proposed leasehold in the same fashion as a tenant, provided the Owner remains in occupancy of the Lot or unless such a lease agreement exists. Individuals which become defined under this provision as a tenant, and, are related to the Record Owner of the Lot by blood, marriage, or legal adoption shall still adhere to the provisions of this article regarding interview by the Board of Directors and submission to a background check and be subject to disapproval as set forth in this Article 29. Non-Owner individuals who reside at a residency, where this is going to be their legal residency, under this provision, and where a lease is not required, are as follows: individuals that are related to the record Owner of the Lot by: first, second and third degree consanguinity (1st degree: Spouse, Children and Parents; 2nd degree: Brothers, Sisters, Half-Brothers, Half-Sisters, Grandchildren and Grandparents; 3rd degree: Uncles, Aunts, Nephews, Nieces, Great-Grandparents and Great-Grandchildren), marriage, partnership, and/or legal adoption, shall be considered as additional residents, and entitled to any such privileges afforded the legal Owner. The record Owner shall not be required to submit a lease agreement for the purposes of approval by the Board of Directors, for the aforementioned conditions.
13. No-Mow-Zones
This change replaces No-Mow-Zone with the new less restrictive concept of Slow-Mow-Zone and makes it optional at the discretion of the Board. The Board has no plan or intention to establish any Slow-Mow zones at this time, but would prefer to reserve this tool in case that pond edge erosion become a problem in the future at any particular pond.
Article I, Section 15 - Definitions
15. "No-Mow-Zone" is the designated area of comprising a four (4) to six (6) foot buffer of shoreline identifiable by vegetation growth which reaches a maximum height of no more than 18 inches, and is limited to shoreline areas of bodies of water within the Association. “Slow Mow Zone” means the three (3) to five (5) foot margin of the land owned by the Master Association along the shore line defined by the normal water line of the stormwater drainage ponds.
Article V, Paragraph 22, b
22. Maintenance of Lots and Land Adjacent to Lakes
b) The Lot Owner shall be responsible for all routine maintenance, including without limitation routine mowing, irrigation, fertilization and pesticiding, of all lawn and landscaping located between on the Owner's Lot and for lots by ponds, to the waters edge where a pond is appurtenant to said Owner's Lot. Except as otherwise provided herein for the routine maintenance by the Lot Owner, should repair and/or replacement of the area located between a body of water and an Owner's adjacent Lot become necessary, the Master Association will be responsible for repairing and replacement, as needed. The Master Association shall make all decisions on repair and replacement to the standards acceptable and/or required by SWFWMD and other governing authorities. Any damage to or required repair to the No-Mow-Zone, swale, SWFWMD or other governing authority controlled areas shall be the sole responsibility of the Lot Owner, and the Lot Owner shall indemnify the Association against any such damages which may be claimed against the Association as a result of the Lot Owner's actions.
To prevent erosion at the ponds edge and avoid future costly repairs, the Master Association, at its sole discretion and with the advice and input of the Stormwater Committee, the SWFWMD and other governing authorities, may but is not necessarily required to execute its authority to require the homeowner to allow the grass along the “Slow-Mow Zone” to grow to a height of no less than 6 inches.
Except as otherwise provided herein for the routine maintenance by the Lot Owner, should repair and/or replacement of the area located between a body of water and an Owner's adjacent Lot become necessary, the Master Association will be responsible for repairing and replacement, as needed. The Association may make repairs as recommended by the Storm Water Committee or that in the discretion of the BOD are deemed necessary to prevent further deterioration. All repair and replacement must meet the standards acceptable and/or required by SWFWMD and other governing authorities.
Article V, Section 10 Landscaping
All lawns and landscaping shall extend to the pavement line in front of any dwelling and to the No-Mow-Line for those Lots the normal water line for those Lots adjacent to lakes.
14. Car Covers
Eliminate the Board’s option to define and allow approve car covers.
Article V, Paragraph 15, (b)
While visible within the subdivision and not within a garage, no vehicle, either approved or unapproved pursuant to the terms of this Declaration, may be covered with a tarp, car cover, or other type of material or product designed to obscure the view of a vehicle and or protect the vehicle from the elements. The board may adopt specifically detailed board approved car covers for vehicles which would otherwise be in violation of the section.
15. ARC Discretion Article VI. Section 3
To limit the discretion of the ARC Committee and grant applicants additional rights.
To the extent the Board has not so promulgated rules, the ARC may promulgate such rules; provided, however, that all such rules must be consistent with the Master Declaration and Bylaws. From time to time the Board and the ARC may promulgate Rules and Guidelines. All Rules and Guidelines developed by the ARC must first be approved by the Board.
Add the following paragraph:
6. Denial and Reconsideration. In the event the Architectural Review Committee denies a request from a member of the Association, the ARC shall submit a brief written explanation of the basis for the denial to the owner/member. Such written explanation shall be accomplished by citation to the section(s) of the governing documents that serve as the basis of the denial. Such written explanation shall be served by hand delivery, email, or USPS first class letter. Within fourteen (14) days of the date of mailing or hand delivery of the written explanation, the member whose application was denied may appeal the ARC denial by submission of a written request for reconsideration to a member of the Architectural Review Committee or Association management. Such request shall be deemed effective upon receipt. A meeting for reconsideration shall be conducted by three (3) members of the Board of Directors appointed by the President for that purpose, within thirty (30) days of receipt of the request. The outcome of the meeting for reconsideration shall be affirmation of the ARC denial, or, modification of the denial. Unless otherwise directed by the 3 members of the board, the result of such reconsideration meeting shall close the ARC application and no further reconsideration may be brought under the ARC application reviewed at the meeting for reconsideration.