Rosedale Storm Disaster Emergency Plan
Rosedale is not in a flood plain, so we are not required to evacuate, even in a Category Five storm. Damage to Rosedale during a hurricane would more often be due to wind rather than water.
In a major storm, Manatee County Emergency Services will respond first to the hardest-hit areas. It is likely that areas close to the Gulf will need help before Rosedale. Emergency service vehicles generally do not respond until wind speeds have dropped to around 40 mph.
If the wind in Rosedale reaches 35 MPH or above or if conditions are deemed unsafe for guard occupancy, both Gatehouses will be shut down with entrance gates open and gate arms removed. The Malachite gate will also be opened.
Homeowners are responsible for their own safety. Thus, be aware of how to prepare for storms.
CLICK HERE to read the Manatee County Disaster Planning Guide
Make sure you have a family disaster plan. At the beginning of hurricane season, collect disaster supplies and keep your important documents in a waterproof/fireproof carrier or on a flash drive. Plan where the “safe room” in your home will be located, and do not forget to plan for your pets.
CLICK HERE for the Manatee County Debris Management Plan which can be valuable in the clean-up phase. It is recommended to trim trees before Hurricane season to decrease further debris.
To register for Manatee County's local emergency alert service, Alert Manatee CLICK HERE
If you have special medical needs, you may register each year in advance to go to a Special Needs Shelter in Manatee County. Special needs may include oxygen dependency, serious mobility problems, and hospice care. The County can provide transportation, but you must supply a caregiver. Click on the icon below to register.