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Communications Committee Charter


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Emails from the Communications Committee


Current Committee Chair

Ed Mazer



The Communication is charged with managing the Master Website and disseminating important community information electronically (i.e., via email) to Rosedale residents from time to time as situations warrant. This charge bears with it the responsibility for maintaining up-to-date email lists of homeowners, maintaining and upgrading the Rosedale MHOA Website, including developing content for the website and ensuring that all posted information is accurate and current, and responding to emails and inquiries posted on the Contact Us page of our Website.



  1. The Communications and Website Committee will develop email message content through conversations with Board members or the property manager about issues that need to be sent to the community, and through monitoring of local and state legal and regulatory agencies for information pertinent to Rosedale.

  2. The Committee will interact with Board members, other committees, neighborhood HOAs, and other Rosedale associations to create content for the site that is informative, useful, and, often, entertaining to homeowners and keep the Website up to date.

  3. The Committee will serve as the point of contact in receiving emails with questions or concerns from homeowners. The committee will respond to requests whenever possible or will pass such request to the appropriate committee or Board member to answer and will ensure that answers are provided, and will maintain a list of these referrals for purposes of reporting to the BOD.

  4. The Committee will also assume responsibility for the communication and posting of Welcome Activities targeting new homeowners. click here for the Welcoming Process.

  5. The Committee will help with the design and execution of on-line surveys to support the needs of the BOD.

Number of Committee Members

The Communications and Website committee shall have at least three members, and ideally more than five. At least one, perhaps two, members will focus on the technical aspects of keeping the email lists up to date and managing the entry and removal of information from the website. At least two members will be focused on content for the website and for composing email notifications to the community.


Members of this committee are appointed for one-year terms but can serve multiple terms.


Committee Chair

The Board appoints each committee chair. The chair, the Board liaison, and other members then actively recruit members for the committee and present them for Board approval at the Board meetings. This process seldom conforms to a calendar, so recruiting and adding members occurs continuously throughout a year.


Funding the Committees

Working with the Board Treasurer, each year the committee shall recommend a budget for its planned activities. In the event of an emergency requiring additional funds, the RMHA Board president or vice president can approve the necessary funds.


Relationship to the Board

This committee, like all other committees, serves as an advisor to the Board; the committee chair reports to the Board member designated as its liaison. Committees make written recommendations to the Board, which may accept or reject them. The committee delivers a written report at regular Board meetings; the report is submitted to the Board for review at least five days before the appropriate Board meeting. Nothing in the committee charters prevents the Board from exercising its statutory duty to maintain, repair or replace the common property of the Association as the Board deems necessary.


Relationship to Property Management Company

The RMHA Board Treasurer, serving as the Investment Management Committee chair, will work with both the property manager and property manager accountant on transfer of funds, preparation of budget and monthly financials. This committee, like all other committees, will interact with the property management company through that committee’s Board liaison.


Committee Meeting Schedules

Because none of the committees has authority to spend money or undertake projects without Board approval, their meetings do not have to be posted. However, interested homeowners may contact the committee chair or the Board liaison to learn when its meetings will be held. Unless legal or personnel matters are to be discussed, homeowners may attend the meetings.



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