Rosedale Master Homeowners Association
Rosedale’s Master Homeowners Association (RMHA) is a non-profit corporation that governs single
family homes, communities that do not have homeowner associations, and all common areas.
Common areas include streets, sidewalks, entryways, gatehouses, mailboxes, signs, signposts, street
lighting, and cable TV.
The Master Association is a legal entity cooperatively owned by the residents of Rosedale that manages the operation, maintenance, preservation, management and control of the house lots and common areas in Rosedale in accordance with its Master Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. It is tasked with promoting the health, safety and welfare of the community
The RMHA is responsible for:
Establishing standards for homes/property and ensuring that they continue to be met.
Landscaping common areas.
Maintaining roads and their signs, lakes, utilities, and sidewalks.
Maintaining buildings and structures in the common areas.
Controlling entrance access to the community.
Posting stop signs and speed limits.
Establishing a bulk cable contract for Rosedale.
The RMHA is legally defined by three primary documents filed with the State of Florida and is
empowered by Florida state legislation.
Master Articles of Incorporation
Master By-Laws
Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs)
These documents are found on this website under the tab “Residents Only.”
All Rosedale homeowners must abide by the CC&Rs and must pay an annual fee to the RMHA to fund its
All Board Members and Committee Chairs and Committee Members must be residents of Rosedale and
are unpaid volunteers.
Governance of the RMHA is through its Board of Directors, who are elected by vote of all homeowners. The current RMHA Board of Directors is made up of:
Peter Ingraffia, President bodingraffia@rosedalehc.org
*Sigrid Seymour, Vice President bodseymour@rosedalemhoa.com
Chuck Allen, Secretary bodallen@rosedalemhoa.com
Brian Fischer, Treasurer bodfischer@rosedalemhoa.com
*Ed Mazer bodmazer@rosedalemhoa.com
*Rich Toscano bodtoscano@rosedalemhoa.com
*Scott Boyd bodboyd@rosedalemhoa.com
* Term expires at Annual Meeting 2025
The Rosedale Master Homeowners Association Board of Directors

Peter Ingraffia

Sigrid Seymour
Vice President

Brian Fischer

Chuck Allen

Scott Boyd
Member at Large

Ed Mazer
Member at Large

Rich Toscano
Member at Large
The RMHA has ten standing committees:
Architectural Review Committee (ARC)
Compliance Committee
Cable Committee
Communication Committee
Community Access Committee
Investment Management Committee
Landscaping and Irrigation Committee
Lighting Committee
Infrastructure -Roads & Stormwater Management
Legal Issues Committee
Place your cursor on the Committees tab on the menu bar for more information.
The RMHA holds monthly meetings open to all residents. Meeting dates are posted on the Home Page of this Website.