Rosedale Neighborhoods
The Rosedale community includes approximately 1,100 homes. These homes are organized into neighborhoods, some organized as Homeowner Associations, where maintenance and other matters are handled collectively for the neighborhood, and where there may be neighborhood-specific architectural requirements over and above those described in Rosedale’s Covenants. Often, all homes in a neighborhood will share many similar architectural details. Other neighborhoods have no such Association, and all maintenance and other homeowner activities are managed by the homeowner. Homes in these neighborhoods are nonetheless responsible for adhering to the requirements and limitations included in the Covenants.
Click here for a chart of Rosedale Neighborhoods by Address.
Click here for a list of 2023 HOA contact names.
Click here for a map of the Legacy and Highland Neighborhoods​.
Click here for a map of the Links Neighborhoods.
The neighborhoods of Rosedale with no neighborhood HOA are:
Bloomfield Park North
Bloomfield Park South
Highlands A
Highlands B
Highlands C
North Bridge
Rosedale Links
The neighborhoods of Rosedale that do have local HOAs are:
Clubview Crossings
Highlands D1
Highlands D2
Somerset Bend
Sweetbriar Court
Victoria Court
Waterbridge Way
Westbury Lakes North
Westbury Lakes South
Woodbrooke Run
Rosedale Links One
Rosedale Links Two
Rosedale Links Three
Rosedale Links Four
Each neighborhood with a local HOA has its own by-laws, declaration of CC&Rs, and its own Board of Directors with officers. All homeowners in these neighborhoods must pay an annual fee to their local association in addition to the annual fee for the RMHA.