Access Committee Charter
Current Committee Chair
Rich Toscano communityaccess@rosedalemhoa.com
The Access Committee is charged with managing the relationship with the gate access vendor on access issues and concerns. Additionally, this committee is charged with developing and maintaining processes and systems used by homeowners to notify gate access personnel of guests, deliveries, and trades personnel, and to make these processes as simple as is practicable for the homeowners.
The committee will be in frequent contact with the gate access vendor and individual gate attendants and will likely have occasion to monitor the cameras at all three gates (State Route 70, 44th Avenue East, and Malachite Drive). The committee in conjunction with Allied Security distributes vehicle access decals, e-decals, and paper passes for homeowners and guests. Maintains and updates all resident, tenant, and guest records in the DwellingLive system. Committee approves all leases after review of RPM vetted applications. Committee will monitor vehicle speeds within the community and report all violations to the BOD or other appropriate parties. Maintains, updates, calibrates, and secures speed monitoring radar and camera equipment. Maintains and interacts with local law enforcement on access violations. Monitors the functionality of all access security equipment and schedules repair and maintenance as needed. Reviews and controls security costs.
All committee members are appointed by the RMHA Board of Directors. This committee shall have no fewer than three members, who are appointed for one-year terms.
Committee Chairs
The Board appoints the chair at the organizational Board meeting that immediately follows the annual membership meeting. The chair then solicits members for the committee and presents them for Board approval at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. Current members may be reappointed.
Funding the Committees
Working with the Board Treasurer, each year each committee recommends a budget for its planned activities. In the event of an emergency requiring additional funds, the RMHA Board president or vice president can approve the necessary funds.
Absent an emergency, if any committee proposes any expenditures, that proposal will be provided in writing to the property management company representative at least five days prior to the date of any regular meeting of the RMHA Board so that the proposal may be included in the management report delivered to the Board before its meeting. No funds are expended without the approval of the Board.
Relationship to the Board
Each committee serves as an advisor to the Board; the committee chair reports to the Board member designated as its liaison. Committees make written recommendations to the Board, which may accept or reject them. The committee delivers a written report at regular Board meetings; the report is submitted to the Board for review at least five days before the appropriate Board meeting. Nothing in the committee charters prevents the Board from exercising its statutory duty to maintain, repair or replace the common property of the Association as the Board deems necessary.
Relationship to Property Management Company
The RMHA Board Treasurer, serving as the Finance Committee chair, will work with both the property manager and property manager accountant on transfer of funds, preparation of budget, and monthly financials. Each of the other committees will interact with the property management company through that committee’s Board liaison.
Committee Meeting Schedules
Because this committee has no authority to spend money or undertake projects without Board approval, their meetings do not have to be posted. However, interested homeowners may contact the committee chair or the Board liaison to learn when its meetings will be held. Unless legal or personnel matters are to be discussed, homeowners may attend the meetings.