Using Your smart phone
to send a QR Code to
allow a Visitor to
Enter Rosedale

View a recording of the
TEKWave Training meeting below:
(click on the music notes at lower left of the screen to turn on the sound)

Click here to view
Frequently Asked Questions
about TEKWave
The TEKWave Visitor Maintenance App is an application that runs on your Smart phone (iPhone or Android) or tablet.
TEKWave operates in a more automated way than DwellingLIVE. While it does provide the gatehouse with information on your visitor, what makes it different is that it emails your visitor a QR Code that your visitor can display on their smart phone to present to a scanner that automatically opens the gate without aid from the gate attendant.
Many residents have asked if they can view written instructions on how to use the new app just to get some idea of how it will work. With the caution that reading software instructions without the benefit of seeing the program running can be very confusing, I have posted the documentation to our Master HOA Website.

For instructions on how to download and use
the TEKWave App, click here.
For instructions on how to use the PC browser based
TEKWave PC Visitor Maintenance, click here.
The URL to log on to a PC is:
Check List on how to get register with TEKWave
Receive your TEKWave Registration Email
If not, checked and found email in my spam file
Used the Registration Link in the email to log into the Registration Page
Entered the Registration Code for the Registration email.
Set my username as my email address and created and saved a password.
Download the directions to download and use the TEKWave App from the Rosedale Master HOA Website - https://www.rosedalemasterhoa.com/telwave
Downloaded the TEKWave TEKControl Vistior Management App (the red circle
with the 3 white wavy lines) -
Log in successfully
Create a new visitor (vendor or guest)
The reality is that you probably won't need the instructions to run the App. The App follows the Microsoft interface standards and should be intuitive and easy to use. After you have seen it work once, you should be able to use it with no issues.
For more information on the TEKWave App,
click here
For help with TEKWave, click here

Using TEKWave to Notify the Gate of Visitors
TEKWave is the Internet communications system Rosedale uses to enable residents to manage visitor and vendor. It can be accessed in three different ways -- iPhone, Android Smartphone or using an online browser with your computer or tablet.
Using TEKWave, you can add guests or vendors (visitors), add a party list, restrict visitors, select the start and end dates of the visit, and view your visitor history. If you wish to be contacted by the gate when a visitor arrives, you can enter a notes for the gate attendant. If a service provider visits on a regular basis, e. g. housekeeper, pool service, lawn care, etc., their name should be added to the resident’s permanent access list.
TEKWave will allow you to send your visitor a QR Code that they can display on their smart phone to automatically open the gate without the need to stop to speak to the gate attendant.​
The only approved method of notifying the gate of expected visitors is to use TEKWave, the Internet communications system Rosedale uses to enable residents to notify the gate of guests and vendors. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, phone calls to the gate to register guests or vendors will not be accepted. If you need help or have extenuating circumstances why you cannot use TEKWave, for entry of your guests and visitors please contact communityaccess@rosedalemhoa.com.
Registering with TEKWave to Become a User
To use TEKWave, residents must first register to get a username and password. This insures security assuring that only authorized residents can use it. New residents should register as soon as possible. To register, residents must contact the Access Committee at communityaccess@rosedalemhoa.com.
Long-term renters may be given access to the TEKWave system.