Lighting Committee Charter
Current Chairman
Jim Lamy lighting@rosedalemhoa.com
The Lighting Committee is charged with ensuring that the common grounds lighting in Rosedale is properly maintained, repaired, upgraded where necessary, and kept in good working order. This committee also manages holiday decorating and lighting.
Committee members regularly inspect and gather recommendations on the best approaches to maintain, repair and improve the lighting system. Advice may come from industry experts or properly licensed/insured qualified individuals to guide them. Should lights fail, the committee sends a report to the qualified part-time operator employed by the property manager for that purpose. If the situation is outside of his expertise, then a call is made to the electric utility (PRECO).
Nothing in the committee charters prevents the Board from exercising its statutory duty to maintain, repair or replace the common property of the Association as the Board deems necessary.
Relationship to the Board
The Lighting Committee serves as advisors to the Board. The Lighting Committee chair will work closely with the Board member appointed as the committee’s liaison. The committee will make written recommendations to the Board concerning changes to the community’s relationship with its contracted service providers. The chair of the Lighting Committee and its board liaison will work with the property manager and the Board of Directors as needed.
Lighting Committee members shall be identified, recruited and selected by the Board or the chair. The Lighting Committee shall have no fewer than three members, but ideally five. Members will represent all areas of Rosedale: Links, Legacy and Highlands. Currently, the Chairman of the Lighting Committee is Jim Lamy (Lighting@RosedaleMHOA.com).
Members serve a one-year term and can be reappointed.
Committee Meetings
Because the Lighting Committee does not have authority to spend money or undertake projects without Board approval, their meetings do not have to be posted. However, interested homeowners may contact the committee chair or the Board liaison to learn when its meetings will be held.
Committee Funding
Working with the Board Treasurer, each year each committee recommends a budget for its planned activities. In the event of an emergency requiring additional funding, the RMHA Board president or vice president can approve the necessary funds.
The committee shall deliver a report at regular Board meetings outlining current Lighting issues and concerns. The report shall be in writing and submitted to the Board for review 5 days prior to the Board meeting.