BOD Clarifications on Compliance
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From the RMHA Compliance Committee
In 2021 the RMHA Compliance Committee sent out a series of email bulletins to all homeowners that addressed areas of confusion concerning some aspects of the RMHA Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions, which are listed below.
They are short, readable summaries created to help residents with interpretation of the CC&Rs, along with the related fine process. These bulletins are not meant to be a regurgitation of the CC&Rs but were done to help owners better understand the spirit and intent. Refer to the 2015 CC&Rs on the RMHA website under Governing Documents for the complete document.
Click on any of the following subjects to view expanded information on the related regulations:
#7 - Roof Repairs
This notice refers to Article V, section 21,23, and 27 of the CC&Rs
From time to time, roofs will need to be repaired and/or replaced. To that extent, should a roof repair require the use of tarping, the following points should be noted:
Notify RPM that your roof project will require a tarp.
At that time, please also notify RPM with an estimated start date for the repair and, if known, the estimated completion date.
You must provide RPM with an ARC form listing the contractors name and when they plan to begin work to either repair or replace your roof.
If the roof is to be replaced your ARC form must have the type of tile plus the color of the tile for approval by the ARC committee.
Roof Cleaning
This notice refers to Article V, section 23 of the CCRs
Roof cleaning should be a regular maintenance task for Rosedale homeowners. It is recommended that roofs be professionally cleaned at least every two years or sooner depending on the color of the roof and weather conditions.
To understand the importance of regular roof cleaning, you might note why a tile roof needs cleaning and what happens if you neglect this vital task.
Moss acts like a sponge, collecting and holding water. In turn, moss growing on a tile roof often leads to softening and then cracked and split tiles.
Once tiles crack and split, they allow moisture to seep into the wood decking and other structural materials, also risking damage.
Note, too, that roofs are typically sloped or pitched to allow for proper drainage of excess moisture. Moss, algae, lichen, and other such growths blocks moisture’s path, resulting in standing water and the risk of severe roof damage.
Moss and other biological growth also attract birds and insects. Insects are especially bothersome to anyone trying to enjoy your property’s exterior, while sharp bird claws and their droppings might risk roof damage.
As with all roofs, a tile roof will usually hold lots of dust, airborne pollen, soot, air pollution residues, and other such debris. These materials are especially bothersome to anyone with allergies, asthma, and other health concerns, making enjoying your outdoor space nearly impossible!
Storm debris, fallen leaves and twigs, acorns, moss, sap, and other residues on a roof might work their way in between and underneath tiles, loosening them and increasing the risk of losing them in a storm.
Layers of dust, dirt, and other such grime detract from a roof’s appearance! Homeowners are often surprised at the like-new appearance of a recently cleaned roof, which also improves your home’s overall curb appeal in an instant.
Neglecting storm debris, dirt, mud, and other such grime on a roof allows it to roll into the attached gutters, risking clogs and resultant water damage.
The fine for failure to comply with these requirements is $50.00 per day.
A violation notice will be issued with an outline of the required remedy and a period of time provided to address the matter
If the problem is not addressed as required a “failure to comply” notice will be issued to the owner
The failure to comply” notice will state that a fine is being recommended
The recommended fine will accrue , beginning on the date stated in the second notice.
This notice refers at Article 7, section 2 of the CCRs
The posted speed limit on all roads within Rosedale is 25 mph.
Unfortunately, speeding continues to be a problem in our community and a safety hazard to residents, guests, and vendors. Past, random, radar checks have clocked vehicles in Rosedale in excess of 60mph... more than 35mph over the posted limit. As a result, the Master HOA Board has authorized the following speed enforcement program.
Allied Universal, who manages our gate attendants, has been contracted to monitor speeding in various locations around the community starting on October 4, 2021. An experienced operator will use a calibrated radar device to capture speeds, license plate numbers, date/time, and location of the violation. Speeding violations will be subject to the following fines and penalties:
1st violation: $100 fine and 1-week gate barcode/pass suspension
2nd violation: $100 fine and 2-week gate barcode/pass suspension
3rd (and subsequent) violations within a given calendar year: $200 fine and 3-month gate barcode/pass suspension
Those who have had their barcode/pass suspended may still enter Rosedale but only through the visitor gates. Upon paying your fine your bar-code suspension will be lifted.
Vendors will also be notified of the enforcement program. They will be subject to the same rules and warned that ongoing violations could result in them being barred from the community.
Per Rosedale's governing documents and Florida statutes, individuals who receive notices of a violation, fine/penalty, may appear at a hearing before the Compliance Review Committee, where the enforcement of such fine/penalty will be approved or denied.
Remember, fines/penalties can be avoided by following the posted traffic signs. Please stay safe!
#9 Sports and Accessory Equipment
This notice relates to Article V, section 19 of the CC&Rs
Everyone wants to enjoy the outdoors here in Florida. We can do it basically year-round, but there are rules.
Important items to note:
Any and all fixed or portable game equipment and play structures are to be located at the rear of the structure
Play equipment is not to be left in front yards overnight
No platform, doghouse, playhouse, or other such equipment shall be on any part of a lot in front of the rear line of the residence
Any such structure must have prior ARC approval.
The fine for failure to comply with these requirements is $50.00 per day.
A violation notice will be issued with an outline of the required remedy and a period of time provided to address the matter
If the problem is not addressed as required a “failure to comply” notice will be issued to the owner
The failure to comply” notice will state that a fine is being recommended
The recommended fine will accrue , beginning on the date stated in the second notice.
#10 Garage Doors
This notice deals with Article V, section 4 of the CC&Rs
This notice addresses the intent and desire to ensure that nothing shall be done which may become an annoyance or nuisance to other owners.
Important things to note:
All garages must have garage doors that are to be maintained in a useful, working condition and which are operated by electric door openers.
Except when garage is in actual use, garage doors must be kept closed.
A garage’s windows that face the street must have window treatments substantially similar to other window treatments in the home.
The fine for failure to comply with these requirements is $50.00. Only one (1) warning will be issued: the second notice will result in the recommendation of a fine.
#11 Screening
This notice refers to Article V, section 6 of the CC&Rs
Equipment Screening: Equipment located outside a building shall be screened from view and buffered by walls or shrubbery so as to reduce the noise level resulting from operation.
A/C, Water-Treatment Equipment, and Pool Equipment must be screened from view from the front and side of the house
The noted equipment must be screened from view from the rear of the house if the house sits on a pond or if the rear faces another house.
An access point to the equipment is permitted
Screening must be as tall as the equipment.
Screening can be accomplished using plants, or an approved fence.
The fine for failure to comply with these requirements is $50.00 per day.
A violation notice will be issued with an outline of the required remedy and a period of time provided to address the matter
If the problem is not addressed as required a “failure to comply” notice will be issued to the owner
The failure to comply” notice will state that a fine is being recommended
The recommended fine will accrue , beginning on the date stated in the second notice.
This notice refers to Article V, section 17 of the CC&Rs.
No flags or banners of any type shall be displayed to public view on any lot or on any Common Area except:
The American flag and the six military flags of any branch of the United States armed forces or the Florida National Guard.
As used above, “American flag” and “military flag” means the flags of the United States and military armed forces made of fabric, cloth, or paper displayed from a staff of flagpole or in a window, but “American flag” does not include any variation of the US Flag, or a depiction or emblem of the American flag made of lights, paint, roofing, pavers, or any other similar building, landscaping, or decorative component.
The Board may adopt reasonable rules and regulations regarding the location and size of flagpoles. ARC approval is required for installation of a flag pole within the facilities of an Owner.
The above does not pertain to small 3’x3’ “garden” type flags depicting Welcome, Garden Scenes, Butterflies, etc.
The fine for failure to comply with these requirements is $50.00 per day.
A violation notice will be issued with an outline of the required remedy and a period of time provided to address the matter
If the problem is not addressed as required a “failure to comply” notice will be issued to the owner
The failure to comply” notice will state that a fine is being recommended
The recommended fine will accrue , beginning on the date stated in the second notice
Traffic Regulation in Rosedale - Revised January 14, 2021
This notice refers to Article VII, section 2 of the CCRs
The speed limit on all Rosedale roads is 25 mph. All vehicles, including golf carts and bicycles, mist come to a complete stop at all stop signs. Passing a moving car or truck is not permitted in Rosedale. Passing a golf cart at speeds less than 25 mph is permitted provided there is no oncoming traffic.
Only licensed and insured drivers are permitted to operate golf carts on Rosedale roads. Minors under the age of 16 are not permitted to operate golf carts under any circumstances. Golf cart operators should be aware at all times that they may be passed by cars or trucks.
Operating a vehicle in a reckless manor, screeching tires or creating an unnecessary amount of engine noise will constitute a violation and subject the operator or resident, if the operator is a guest, to a fine.
Walkers and joggers are strongly encouraged to use sidewalks. The safest place in most instances for walkers and joggers is on the sidewalks. However, if it is necessary to walk or jog in the street, then please be aware of passing vehicles and walk or jog in the street facing traffic.
As there are no bicycle lanes in Rosedale, please ride as close as possible to the right edge of the roadway. Those riding two or more abreast should single up and keep right when traffic approaches. Bicycles should not be used on sidewalks except in unusual circumstances. For example, young children who may be learning to ride and are not in full control of the bike may use the sidewalks with adult supervision.
Outside of Club sponsored activities, walking, jogging, biking, exercising, and dog walking are not allowed on the Golf Course or the Course paths at any time.
The Malachite gate is for emergency use only and is monitored with cameras. County enforcement is notified of unauthorized use of the Malachite gate and violators may be subject to a fine levied by the County of $100.
The use of clickers or remotes to operate the Malachite emergency gate and/or the SR 70/44th Ave gates is not permitted at any time. Violators, residents or their guests, may be subject to a $100 fine
This notice refers to Article V, section 14, 10, and 22 of the CC&Rs
No artificial grass, plants or other artificial vegetation shall be placed or maintained upon any portion of any lot, unless approved by Master ARC.
Landscape plans involving the use of rock, stone, sand, shell, or hard surfaces for total or substantially total landscaping in front yards will not be approved. Use of such materials is limited to not more than 20% of the front yard landscape area coverage without Master ARC approval.
All lawns and landscaping shall extend to the pavement line in front of any dwelling and to the normal water line for lots adjacent to lakes.
An underground sprinkler system must be installed and maintained in good working order on all landscaped lots.
Each unit with a pool enclosed with a cage or similar material shall have a hedge along the entire exterior of such enclosure.
No weeds, underbrush or other unsightly growth shall be permitted to grow or remain uncut or unmowed upon any lot, and no refuse pile or unsightly objects shall be allowed to be placed or remain anywhere therein.
It is the responsibility of the Homeowner to keep their yard free of dirt, debris, garbage and similar materials. Additionally, it is the responsibility of the homeowner to maintain a lawn that enhances the overall look of the neighborhood.
The fine for failure to comply with these requirements is $50.00 per day.
A violation notice will be issued with an outline of the required remedy and a period of time provided to address the matter
If the problem is not addressed as required a “failure to comply” notice will be issued to the owner
The failure to comply” notice will state that a fine is being recommended
The recommended fine will accrue , beginning on the date stated in the second notice
Prohibition of Bird Feeders and Feeding Sand Hill Cranes - March 14, 2022
Our recent amendment of the CCRs to prohibit bird feeders is based on guidance from the Florida Wild Life Commission. Its purpose is to avoid attracting nuisance animals to your and your neighbor’s property. The seeds from the bird feeders attract rats and in particular roof rats. (It takes a lot to get rid of them once they get in your house.) Rats can attract snakes, some of which may be very undesirable. Once the new CCRs are filed with the state, failure to remove bird feeders could result in daily compliance fines.
As some residents have already noticed, there are several SandHill Crane colts that have recently hatched. It’s always a pleasure to see these new offspring call Rosedale home.
As a result, it’s appropriate to remind residents that it is illegal to feed Sandhill Cranes (Florida Administrative Code 68A-4.001(6)). The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (https://myfwc.com/) publishes guidelines for living with Florida’s wildlife and identifies prohibitions for feeding wildlife. Bird feeder can be is a source of food for the Sandhill Cranes, putting the owner at risk of being in violation of Florida law.
The following is taken from the https://myfwc.com/conservation/you-conserve/wildlife/sandhill-cranes/.
“People may inadvertently put sandhill cranes at risk when they attract them with feed. This includes "accidental feeding," such as when bird seed is spilled from bird feeders onto the ground below. In 2002, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission made it illegal to intentionally feed sandhill cranes (Florida Administrative Code 68A-4.001(6)).”
In addition to inadvertently feeding Sandhill Cranes, intentionally placing food or garbage, allowing the placement of food or garbage, or offering food or garbage in such a manner that it attracts coyotes, foxes or raccoons and in a manner that is likely to create or creates a public nuisance is prohibited.