Tips for Using this Website
Bookmark this Website
For easy access to the RMHOA website, go to the Home Page and bookmark the site
Clicking on a Button to Open a Document
When clicking on a link to view a document, the document will open in a new window, and the window you left will remain open behind it. To return to your place in the Rosedale Master Homeowner (RMHA) Website, simply close the new window by clicking the close button in the upper right hand corner (X).
Clicking on a Button to Link to a New Website
When clicking on a link to open a new Website, the Website will open in a new window, and the window you left will remain open behind it. To return to your place in the RMHA Website, simply close the new window by clicking the close button in the upper right hand corner.(X).
Printing a .PDF file

Documents will open as .PDF files. To print a document, click on the print icon in the upper right corner of the page.
Downloading a .PDF file

Documents will open as .PDF files. To download the document, click on the download icon in the upper right corner of the page.