Roads Committee Annual Report (2/21)
Committee Established 9/2020 (* co-chair)
Jim Biddlecome* Kevin Chase Brian Henry Bill Prater
Chris Slipcheck Ron Tambourine Tom Tangney*
Project Tracking and Process
Tracking spreadsheet developed (10+ projects)
Scope and prioritize (community input)
Evaluate options
Vendor input
Execute (board approval and implementation)
Speed Mitigation
Budget established for 2021
Plan to reduce harshness of speed humps near clubhouse parking lot developed for implementation in H1/2021
Areas of speeding concern identified based on resident input. Options to address will be presented to the Master Board in March.
Street Signs (replace, refurbish and new)
Budget established for 2021
Long term strategy and future budget recommendations developed
Faded signs @ 54thAve E/87th St E and 54th Ave E/88th St E intersections refurbished
Removal of developer signs pending approval from developer/builders to proceed
Sidewalk Repair
Budget established for 2021
3 Phase plan to address cracked, damaged, and raised sidewalk panels developed (attached)
Grinding of ~150 raised panels (Phase 1) to begin during H1 2021
Phases 2 and 3 (replacing ~115 damaged panels) pending fund availability
Street Flooding
Grate capacity issues will be managed by Roads. Sewer issues by Storm Water Management
Grate expansion at 5047 88th ST E approved. Work to be complete in late February
Monument/Fencing/Gate Maintenance
Roads took over responsibility for this activity from the landscaping committee
Gatehouses at both entrances cleaned (pressure washed)
Long term plan for cleaning/maintenance under development
More Information
Jim Biddlecome
Tom Tangney