Parks Committee
Current Committee Chair
Jacie Meehan jacklyngoomba@aol.com
The Parks Committee is commissioned by the Board of Directors to help ensure all common areas now designated as Parks are appropriately designed and maintained so as to provide an attractive and inviting space for residents to use in leisure activities. Also,the committee will also identify and propose to the board for designation as parks other common areas throughout the community that might sensibly be converted to parks. Working with the Board Treasurer, each year the committee will define a budget amount adequate for its anticipated and unanticipated activities.
Committee members will first review all existing common areas designated as parks , which includes the Dog Park, the Pocket Park near the 44th Avenue East entrance, and Eastwood Park for their design, appeal to the community, and condition. Upon this examination, the committee will propose and recommend any changes they deem to be appropriate to enhance their use within the community and will develop budget proposals towards those ends. Additionally, the committee will continue to look at other common areas whose land might be repurposes to satisfy growing/emerging community desires, such as for playgrounds for children, for recreational activities such as shuffleboard, bocci, or pickleball, and will develop proposals to realize these goals.
Irrigation Committee members shall be appointed by the Board. Members are subject to review and reappointment at the annual meeting.
The committee shall have no fewer than three members. The Board will appoint the committee chair at a convenient Board Meeting. The chair and Board Members will then solicit members for the committee and present them for Board approval at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. The committee will establish their meeting schedule, submit it to the Board, maintain minutes as appropriate and will submit a written committee report to the Board in advance of each board meeting.
Relationship to the Board
The committee serves as an advisor to the Board. The committee chair will interface with the Board member named as the committee’s liaison. The committee will make written recommendations to the Board, which may accept or reject the recommendations and take action accordingly. The committee shall deliver a report at regular Board meetings; the report shall be in writing and submitted to the Board for review at least five days prior to the date of the Board meeting.
Nothing in this charter prevents Board from exercising their statutory duty to maintain, repair or replace the common property of the Association as they deem necessary.
Relationship to Management
The committee will not have a relationship with the property manager; the Board liaison will work with the manager and Board of Directors accordingly, but rather, the chair of the committee and its board liaison will meet as needed with the property manager.