January 29, 2021
To: All Rosedale Community Council Members
Subject: Recap from committee meeting – 1/27/2021 Amended 2/1/2021 (changes in italics)
The meeting of the Rosedale Community Council was called to order by Chuck Allen. Chairman Mike Zinn was unable to attend. 14 RCC members were in attendance, with 11 of the 14 HOA communities represented and 3 of the non-HOA communities represented. Joe Brooks from Links #4 has joined the council, so we now have all 14 HOA’s represented. We also had 7 homeowners join our meeting. Joe and Kellie Miller of Miller Results continue to facilitate, assist with any technical issues, and conduct polling on proposals.
Chuck reviewed the agenda topics and financial overview Mike had prepared for the meeting. We are fully funded for 2021.
Several follow-ups were discussed:
Chuck encouraged everyone to share the RCC meeting notes with their communities to keep everyone informed of what we’re doing and continue to ask for community input.
Chuck requested that the HOA’s get all board member updates to him ASAP so the contact list can be updated. All HOA annual meetings should be completed by early February, so intent is to have updated list published by mid-February.
Discussion was held regarding sharing of the contact list. Chuck sends the full version (including fees, email and phone numbers of the directors) to the RCC members only to be shared with their respective board members. A redacted version is sent to the communication committee for posting on the web site. This version only states HOA name, office positions and names of officers. There had been a request from Rosedale Realty to share full contact list with them. Their rationale was to have names of officers and fees for potential new home owners. However, it appears as this request does not come from other realtors, nor is the list shared with others. While several of the RCC members did not mind sharing the info, the majority did not what that information shared outside the community. Many felt it was the job of RPM to provide individual HOA fee information to realtors as needed. For now, we’ll keep it as is (full version only to the RCC and respective board members) and the redacted version on the website. I will work on a communication / discussion point to get master board input and subsequent direction.
We took a detour on our agenda topics to move the discussion on compliance next, as we had several members needing to leave. Paul Dain began discussion with his belief that the local HOA’s could manage compliance issues within their communities. However, he stated that local HOA’s should follow the same procedure as the master board and compliance committee are taking on such actions:
Verify that said violation is indeed correct and action needs to be taken.
Notification to the homeowner that there is a violation with a specific citation from the CC&R’s.
Allowance of ample time for the homeowner to correct the violation.
Tracking of actions taken.
The association president or designee should be the person who brings the matter to the attention of the offending homeowner. It is not necessary for the person who first reported the potential violation to be identified.
If local HOA is unable to resolve issue, then HOA should engage the assistance of the Master Board and the Compliance Committee.
Don Goodenow joined the meeting and reiterated that he preferred local HOA’s and the non-HOA communities to start the compliance process within their areas, then escalate if necessary. While some agreed with this position, others had concerns on managing this process with the large number of homes they had within their area and felt they would need additional help. Others felt ambiguity of CC&R’s made enforcement difficult, while other areas that seemingly should be in the CC&R’s for regulation are not. Don agreed that CC&R’s need to be updated and clarified, and the compliance committee is working on these areas as well as updating any needed forms. This will be an ongoing process throughout 2021. Current goal is to have this completed so entire community could review and approve at 2022 annual meeting.
As Don reiterated from the master board meeting, the compliance committee needs help from the community to maintain the standards we have and want. To avoid those areas that need clarification, he asked that we focus on 5 areas:
Cars parking on the street overnight
Cars blocking access to the sidewalks.
Proper screening of AC units and pool equipment
Don did say he felt another area that would need monitoring would be ornaments and other lawn fixtures. CC&R’s allow for 2, but some areas have much more, so something to watch for in near future possibly.
Don had asked Mike Zinn for a list of services various HOA’s had as part of their monthly fees, such as roof, sidewalk or driveway cleaning. Chuck to follow up with Mike to finalize list and ensure any other such services are captured.
Discussion of priority and open item lists:
Speed Bumps: reiterated committee’s report from the master board meeting. Budget for 2021 is $9,000. Eight areas have been identified as habitual speeding areas. Committee received push-back from board to consider other options. Expect further vetted discussion at next board meeting.
Sidewalk repair: committee has received bids for two actions that need taken – grinding down raised panels and replacing broken panels. Total cost is approximately $51K, but budget for 2021 is only $10K. Committee to work with treasury team to look at reserve budget and determine if funding can come from this area for all the repairs.
Street signs at 87th & 54th Ave. E: repairs have been made and new signs installed. Now working on replacing faded stop signs in this same area.
Golf cart operating guidelines: Master Board sent out declaration to community stating only licensed drivers were allowed to operate golf carts on Rosedale streets. While not all that the RCC had proposed, at least this is a step in the right direction. This is an area that the Compliance Committee will be addressing / adding as they update the CC&R’s.
Drainage problems on 88th St. E in Woodbrooke Run: committee proposed enlarging storm drain similar to work done last year in the Westbury Lakes area. Board approved and hopefully work will be completed before beginning of rainy season.
Legal Update: Dave Kuchinski updated council on two areas:
Update on the lawsuit filed by master board against Newton Development and CH6 concerning changes made to the CC&R’s in 2015. While 1of the 3 areas were upheld by the court, there is a potential cost to master association for lawyer costs for the 2 areas the judge ruled in favor of the opposition.
Status of updating local HOA’s documents: issue has been documents of three of the HOA’s (Waterbridge, Sweetbriar and Somerset Bend) had language requiring 2/3 of entire Rosedale community to approve changes to their local HOA guidelines. With assistance from legal counsel, and amendment has been proposed and approved by the master board and Pat Hogan / Newton Development modifying language so now changes only require majority approval from the local HOA members. Waterbridge is done; the other two are working on finalizing their changes. All the other HOA’s have a similar issue but dealing with different language in their documents. Mike Zinn is working with Paul Meehan to rectify this situation.
Upcoming Board Elections: Dave brought forth the idea that we should have a Rosedale Town Hall meeting via Zoom to introduce the candidates for office in the upcoming annual meeting, and allow for some Q & A time. These two proposals were voted on by all those attending the RCC meeting. 93% voted in favor of a town hall Zoom meeting, with 1 abstention vote and 3 no-votes. 100% voted in favor of including a Q & A session in the meeting. This proposal was forwarded to Lynne Woodman and Don Goodenow following the council meeting. Lynne liked the idea. However, she stated that the second mailing about the annual meeting had gone out that would explain the election situation. She would prefer to let everyone in the community find out on the same day, so please just watch your mailbox. Don responded favorably as well, stating that timing may be tight but possibly doing something after the February board meeting. So, stay tuned!
Chuck adjourned the meeting and opened it up to homeowners that had joined the call:
Helen Maxey added to a comment made earlier by Dave Kuchinski that she agreed access to the Welcome Package should be on the website. Members may not know that the Welcome Package documents are on the website, but are located in various tabs. As there is nothing on the website showing the names of the documents as it relates to the Welcome Package, this can be very difficult to find. Helen stated that she had recommended that be a document be placed on the website listing names of the Welcome Package documents. However, the communications committee declined the suggestion, stating they wanted residents to look through the various tabs or use the search bar for a specific topic. Other residents chimed stating they had made similar suggestions but had gotten no response. Others stated that finding certain items within the Rosedale website could be difficult, and unless one could fine-tune their search request, the search engine was not as helpful as it could be. Earlier in our meeting Don Goodenow had commented on the website and encouraged residents to utilize the website and provide feedback to the communication committee on how to make it better. RCC members agreed to do so and pass along. However, we also need to communicate this specific need to the committee and the master board as an issue not just coming from one resident but collectively from the RCC. Chuck, Dave and Mike to follow up.
Mike Sullivan commented on the speed bump issue. He reiterated a recommendation he made at the last master board meeting. He stated that the Manatee County Sheriff had “unused” vehicles that they placed in various locations to deter speeders – the presents of a police car would cause people to slow down. He suggested the board contact the county and see if that could be utilized within the community to curb speeding. As suggestion was made at master board meeting, we’ll see if committee takes any action on this suggestion.
Next RCC meeting will be Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 1:30 PM. Next Board of Director’s meeting is Thursday, February 11, 2021.
Chuck Allen